The sleep
disorders research center was established in 2006 with the goal of expanding
human knowledge in various fields of basic sciences and sleep disorders. The
center received a substantive agreement from the ministry of health and medical
education on December 6th, 2014. Professor Habibollah Khazaei, a psychiatrist
with a sleep and polysomnography medical fellowship and a professor at
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, was appointed as the head of the
center since its establishment. The center's various research departments
include psychiatry and psychology, neuroscience, medical imaging, sleep
physiology, and animal and biochemical models. The department of fMRI and DTI was
opened in 2018 in the center to evaluate brain functional and structural
changes caused by sleep disorders. The Center is ready to carry out joint
research projects related to sleep with all university departments and other
research centers and to conduct research dissertations of students in related